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  1. readywriterpublications
    9 June 2016 @ 8:35 am

    Hello… and thank you for the tips on a “community hymn singing event.” Indeed, many of the old hymns are a little sermon in themselves and people who would not normally go to church may be interested in attending such an event if, for example, it features a hymn writer who is of local and historical interest in their community, as often is the case here in Ireland. I have arranged events in the past… but so far not a hymn singing one. For authors of books on the subject, you could display your books for people to view over light refreshments after the event. Thank you again for these ideas!

    • rcottrill
      9 June 2016 @ 10:35 am

      Glad you enjoyed the article. I’ve run these programs, and they’ve always proved a blessed. They pull Christians together across denominational lines, reminding us of what we have in common. And they provide an opportunity for us to sing some of the great old hymns that, sadly, some congregations are trying to leave behind.