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  1. Ann
    9 February 2010 @ 5:07 pm

    I read the article about Edith Cherry. I will continue to read and enjoy the stories about the Church’s spirit-inspired history in music and verse. Thank you so much!!! After listening to the formal church’s version of “We Rest on Thee”, I listened to the music and read along with the script on the video telling a modest story about the five missionaries who gave their lives in His Name. Rather than finding the music below par for the video, I found it beautifully refreshing and touching. I have to admit I would not have gotten as much from the video had I not listened to the soloist singing along with her guitar. If you don’t mind, I would suggest encouraging visitors who come to the site to keep the sound on when viewing the second video. Both together blessed me. I know God’s blesses you – as is evident through your ministry here, and I pray He continue to increase your strength, inspire your thoughts, and cause you to grow more and more like Him!

    • rcottrill
      9 February 2010 @ 11:09 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement. Glad you got a blessing from the posting. As to the sound on the second video. H-m-m… Well, I calls ’em as I sees ’em. But of course I’m only stating a personal opinion. For me, it was not a good presentation. Repetitious strumming of the guitar, and mediocre singing. But folks are free to listen to the sound if they like.

    • faye
      1 October 2012 @ 10:39 am

      I, too, found the soloist to have a very pleasing voice. It added a lot to the video

      • rcottrill
        1 October 2012 @ 3:03 pm

        H-m-m… Well, I listened again, to see if she sounded any better to me. No, sorry. Not a solo voice. And the monotonous rinky-tink guitar is too loud for the vocal as well.

  2. Carol Blair
    10 February 2010 @ 9:01 pm

    The second video clip is much improved with no sound.

    • rcottrill
      10 February 2010 @ 9:28 pm


  3. Ann
    11 February 2010 @ 9:52 am

    Ms. Born most certainly would enjoy such attention her hymn is eliciting here! 🙂 Thinking back over the video/audio and my initial comment, I believe I was speaking as much about the entire audio rather than the hymn by itself. I have so much respect for others’ opinions; I feel I must confess to being most presumptuous in suggesting Mr. Cottrill ‘adjust’ his recommendation! For that I ask to be excused. 🙂

    I appreciated the soloist’s efforts, even though it was not as artful as more formal renditions. I wonder if she sang in conjunction with the video…at the same time she was watching it. Perhaps there is some personal connection she has with one of the families of the missionaires who were martyred. Interesting thought. Thanks again and again for sharing thoughts with me!

  4. Lorna Pilgrim
    24 July 2018 @ 8:04 pm

    Only last week I googled ‘Elizabeth Elliot’ and realized that she had died in 2015! The first and only time I heard her in person was many years ago when I attended the Urbana Conference. In my youth I had devoured some of her books and the story of the 5 martyrs, of course. Now I’m discovering her all over again. I’ve watched the 2 Memorial videos on YouTube several times and any other information I could get. That was when I heard “We Rest on Thee” and saw that it was the last song the 5 missionaries had sung before their fatal mission. That was new to me.

    That hymn is not in our church hymnals, but I saw it in one of my other books. How prophetic that last stanza was! I then googled the author, E. G. Cherry, and I was glad to learn about her life. Thank you, very much. Keep up the good work!

    • rcottrill
      25 July 2018 @ 6:37 am

      Thank you for your encouragement. The story of the martyred missionaries has inspired many, and the hymn that they sang is a great one. So is the other that commonly uses the tune Finlandia, Katarina von Schlegel’s Be Still, My Soul. Hope you have that one in your church hymnal. 🙂 God bless.