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  1. David Bennett
    2 April 2014 @ 6:29 am

    Sir, Thank you for posting this specific hymn. I could find the lyrics nowhere on the Internet, till I found Wordwise Hymns. Not even Cyberhymnal has it. I have contributed to that site also, as you have, but with photographs of authors.

    Question: My family hails from Guelph…. long time ago. I see that you have been a Baptist pastor for 40 years. By any chance, did you ever come across a man named Howard Chipchase? He, too, was a Baptist Pastor. Just wondering. He was my grandfather, and a powerful preacher.

    I read your bio and I am also in that same “camp” as you describe:

    “When I call myself a Christian, I mean that I have put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal and only Saviour from sin. My theology is conservative and evangelical. I hold to a literal interpretation of the Scriptures, and the fundamentals of the apostolic faith.” ….. Praise the Lord!

    Thanks for your posts. I love hymn sites and I love to sing the praises of our God.

  2. thesilverofhisfining
    6 June 2019 @ 5:51 pm

    What a wonderful testimony to God’s merciful provision this hymn story is. I posted the lyrics on my blog today, working my way through Al Smith’s Inspiring Hymns. Thank you for posting this.

    God is providing me with shift work from week to week, or sometimes day to day, to meet my needs. Every day He mercifully gives me the strength to do what is before me. His mercy knows no limit!

    • rcottrill
      8 June 2019 @ 7:47 am

      Yes, the experience of Mr. Chisholm is amazing. There’s a phrase used in the Psalms that I think of often. Nine times (in the NKJV) the psalmists refer to the “tender mercies” of God. “His tender mercies are over all His works” (Ps. 145:9). Meaning, I think, that the compassionate care of our heavenly Father overshadows all He does. In times of severe trial (such as my wife and I are experiencing presently) we may not recognize the tender mercies of God for what they are. At such times we need to cling to Him in faith, confident the future may well reveal the wonderful things the Lord was doing. God bless.

      • Joyce
        10 June 2019 @ 10:53 am

        Sorry to hear of your trial but thank you for your encouraging words in the midst of it. God’s ways are not ours. They are beyond understanding, but not beyond believing. And His grace is sufficient for our every weakness. He is God indeed!