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  1. Dan Castleberry
    10 December 2018 @ 9:05 am

    Thank you for this window of history. Both songs of Mrs Ogden are part of my history too. The words of both drift through my memory often. “You Must Open the Door” was often used in VBS, while this one I often used in Sunday Worship because of its lilting tune and pointed message in verse. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    • rcottrill
      10 December 2018 @ 10:30 am

      The words, “Brighten the corner were you are” remind me of the words of the Lord Jesus concerning the woman who anointed His head with precious ointment: “She has done what she could” (Mk. 14:8). And surely that’s the responsibility of each of us. To use the gifts and opportunities God gives us to serve Him. Thanks for your note–and Merry Christmas to you, as well! 🙂