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  1. Evangeline
    19 January 2010 @ 1:26 pm

    Both of these songs are heard in my head as men’s quartet selections. The first one, of course, was the theme music for the radio programme, “The Haven of Rest” which featured a men’s quartet. It could very well be that is where I heard “As a Volunteer” too.

    • rcottrill
      19 January 2010 @ 2:34 pm

      Yes, I should have mentioned the connection of the first song with the Haven of Rest quartet–and I too can hear the songs in my head as great male voice numbers. But I’ve also used hymn books over the years which contain them for congregational use. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Carol Blair
    19 January 2010 @ 7:40 pm

    I still miss the old “Haven of Rest” program.

    • rcottrill
      20 January 2010 @ 9:22 am

      Don’t think the radio program was on when or where we could get it, but I do have a recording of the quartet.

  3. Carol Blair
    20 January 2010 @ 10:38 am

    The Christian stations that carried it usually aired it late at night. I listened to it from 11 – 11:30 p.m. as I drove home from my second-shift lab tech job back in the early 80’s. Then I got a day shift job; then I moved to another state, and I didn’t hear the program for about 10 years. The next time I heard it I was shocked at the changes in the music. I wrote to them and pled with them to discard their contemporary music and styles, but to no avail. Today, the program is called just “Haven,” and it’s but a shadow of what it used to be. I don’t listen to it; in fact, if I accidentally come across it on the dial, I turn it off.

    • rcottrill
      20 January 2010 @ 11:09 am

      I’ve experienced this shift to “contemporary” music in other settings too. I wonder what’s behind it. Not the same thing in every case, I’m sure. It could be motivated by a sincere desire to reach others for Christ. But sometimes it may be a pride thing–not wanting anyone to call us “old-fashioned” (Horrors!) For others, I’m pretty sure it’s an economic concern. I worked in a Bible college years ago that suddenly decided they needed to incorporate rock music into their advertising, in order the fill desks with young bodies. I argued against it, with only a little success.

      Sadly, this kind of compromise has often affected doctrine too. Instead of standing firm on the fundamentals of the faith, churches, and Christian agencies, have reduced their core beliefs to the lowest common denominator, in order to remain popular and financially solvent. Or perhaps a church does so in order to appeal to the unchurched. (In the latter case, it could well mean the saints are not being properly fed.)

      Nearly 20,000 visitors to my blog, from over 40 countries of the world, have convinced me that there are many folks out there who still love the old hymns, played and sung in a straightforward way. Thanks for being a voice among them!

  4. peggy walker
    8 August 2016 @ 5:43 pm

    I will soon be 82. Just turned a widow. I am moving in with my granddaughter and her family. I don’t want to call it “basement,” so I named it my Haven of Rest. I play that song, and my husband sang it so beautifully. So I am moving into my Haven of Rest.

    • rcottrill
      8 August 2016 @ 5:55 pm

      How lovely! Thanks for sharing the thought. I hope you find your new haven restful indeed. God bless you.