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  1. SheWhiWaits
    30 May 2011 @ 2:38 pm

    Good post. I disagree about Orient, though. Orient simply means east and in earlier times it was often used of places that weren’t so far east as China or Japan. In fact, places as far west ad Egypt used to be considered part of the Orient. See the Wikipedia article on Orientalist for more information.

    • rcottrill
      30 May 2011 @ 3:44 pm

      Ah! You’re absolutely right. Thanks for catching that. Before the word meant the Far East, it was simply used of places east of the Mediterranian. (Being an Agatha Christie fan, I should have remembered the Orient Express, running from Paris to Istanbul.) I’ll make the correction. Thanks again. Drop by any time to keep me on my toes. 🙂