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  1. Dan Castleberry
    14 March 2019 @ 11:11 am

    It has been a while since my last comment. I am compelled by the memories that surround the hymns in today’s blog. “I know He Cares” and “That Beautiful Name” bring sweet recollections. As the “hymn – hiester” in Baptist congregations I enjoyed using both. I appreciate the histories you supplied about them — thanks! Yes, I listened on the family radio to some of FDR’s chats in the late 30s.

    I grieve deeply that such truly significant and beautiful music is lost in today’s worship music. I try very hard to join in the worship-song period at church, but I can not. My aversion to the music form and many times the words stops me cold. So I just talk with the Lord in my heart at those timed. I miss HIS worship in musical expression.

    Thanks for poem by Louisa Alcott is a meaningful and significant addition.

    • rcottrill
      14 March 2019 @ 12:22 pm

      Good to hear from you. And I do agree with your concern about churches that cast away our rich treasury of hymns and gospel songs, seemingly without a thought. So far, we’ve been able to hold the line in the church my wife and I attend–because I choose the songs:-), but for how long I”m not sure.

      From notes I’ve received from around the world, I know there are many who grieve the lost of the old songs. But a better day is coming. As Eliza Hewitt put it in one of her songs, “A few more years to sing the song / Of our Redeemer’s love; / Then by His grace both you and I / Shall sing His praise above.”