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1 Comment

  1. jan
    23 June 2017 @ 9:13 pm

    What makes it relevant today is that nothing has changed. There is nothing new under the sun….at the core humans haven’t changed and we still need to be reconciled to God through Christ. The Bible is ever relevant because it is God’s truth. God does not change, therefore His word is ever true, ever trustworthy and ever relevant. The Holy Spirit indwelling the believer brings them to an understanding and appreciation and love for the scriptures. Praise God that His truth never changes and the gospel never loses its power!

    To the person who says they don’t believe the Bible….well, what about telling them that it’s a spiritual book and so it’s no wonder if it seems like irrelevant myths to them. Before salvation, people are spiritually incapable of understanding God’s truth. We likely felt the same way before the Lord changed our hearts and the Holy Spirit brought us to spiritual life and understanding. It’s not that we were somehow smarter than others; faith is a gift, given by God, and with it comes spiritual understanding of the scriptures.