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  1. P Clare
    21 April 2017 @ 2:36 am

    Thank you so much for the daily dose….all the songs move me completely. Sincerely appreciated by me and my family esp lil ones.

    Thank you and lots of love from Fiji.

    • rcottrill
      21 April 2017 @ 8:30 am

      Thanks very much for your encouragement. Fiji! I’m assuming your weather is much nicer than ours at the moment. 🙂 (It’s dull and threatening rain, an the temperature is barely 0 Celsius.)

      I take great delight in sharing God’s Word through these articles on hymns. But it often amazes me that I can sit in my office and reach out across the world. The site has now attracted about three quarters of a million people–and as the articles are added the number of visitors continues to grow. It’s the Lord’s doing, and I pray He will be honoured in it.