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  1. Irene
    25 June 2010 @ 11:04 pm

    Hello Bro Robert,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and letting me know about your blog, indeed its a wonderful repository of information.
    I love it and will keep checking it more often.
    Yes, I like hymns and by God’s grace I’m blessed with a church that sings hymns and plays godly music. I and my friend recently have been discussing about the influence of music in various aspects of christianity especially missions.
    I think God got me introduced to you in the right time. Is there an email addrss I contact you brother?
    Thanks again for dropping by my blog.

    truly in Christ,

    • rcottrill
      26 June 2010 @ 7:09 am

      Thanks for the encouragement! Your comment about “a church that sings hymns and plays godly music” reminded me of something. (You’re not from Calgary, Alberta, are you?) One time when my wife and I were visiting that city, I looked in the Yellow Pages of the phone book for a church we might attend on the Sunday. And right in the church advertisement it talked about their godly music. We went there and were not disappointed! The pastor and his wife have been friends ever since. God bless you.