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  1. Elizabeth J
    17 December 2011 @ 4:32 pm

    Hi–I came across this web site when I did a google search for who wrote them hymn “Unclouded Day”. I’ve seen it attributed to the country singer Willie Nelson, but knew that couldn’t be true because I have an old World War 2 military hymnal that has the hymn in it. I could not recall the author’s name. It was nice to hear that 1913 recording of Homer Rodeheaver singing it, altho my preference is for the faster versions of the song. The hymn also actually has a 4th verse, but I won’t attempt to type it in this message.

    • rcottrill
      17 December 2011 @ 6:13 pm

      Thanks for your note. No, we can’t credit Willie Nelson with that one. 🙂 You can actually see (and hear) the full song, and see a picture of the author here on the Cyber Hymnal. God bless.