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  1. Ann
    10 February 2010 @ 1:56 pm

    Wow…you responded to my note!!! Thank you, Mr. Cottrill! I humbly respect your evaluation of the second version of the hymn. Perhaps I was a wee bit over the line to suggest you should or would change your suggestion. Please excuse. 🙂 After thinking further on what I shared, I believe I was thinking as much about the rest of the video as I was about the hymn. Definitely the repitious guitar strumming was not inspirational, but the entire package, together, blessed me. Again, thank you for responding! Nice to feel a connection to another who appreciates the wonderful old hymns.

    One hymn that particularly blesses me is “It Is Well With My Soul”. The words brought much needed comfort when my daughter passed away several years ago. But it wasn’t until I read the history behind the writing of the song that I truly understood those words. So, it will be a great learning experience to enjoy your research.
