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  1. Martha Robbins
    12 January 2010 @ 12:03 pm

    Thank you for correcting me on the authorship of the poem – Ask ye what great things I know. On a December 2009 blog posting, I had incorrectly indicated that it was written by Rev. J. S. B. Monsell.

    Since I’m only using hymns from hymnals I have at my own house, should I pull the poem from my blog????? I rechecked two of my hymnals – one published in 1894 and another one published in 1898. Both hymnals indicate Monsell as the author.

    I know you’re the expert in hymns and I trust your knowledge. Now I wonder how many other poems I have on my blogs have misleading authors??????

    • rcottrill
      12 January 2010 @ 12:38 pm

      Well! Interesting! I went back a few years further, to The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book of 1873. You’re quite right. The hymn seems to have been credited early on to Monsell. But that’s an error. (And sometimes such mistakes tend to get passed on from one book to another, when editors don’t check these things.) Hymn historian Samuel Duffield (in 1886) credits Dr. Kennedy as translator. So do authorities such as William J. Reynolds, Robert McCutchan, and John Julian.

      No, I wouldn’t advise you to pull the poem from your blog. It should be an easy matter to edit what you have to read something like: Author, Johann Christoph Schwedler; English Translation, Benjamin Hall Kennedy.

      You can easily check the information on the Cyber Hymnal. I know the editor (and have assisted him from time to time). Not to say he is never wrong, but over the last 13 years he has been extremely careful in compiling the data on over 7,800 hymns.

      Hope that’s a help. The authorship caught my eye because I work with hymns every day. Most folks won’t even notice such things. And the great words of the hymn are worth posting. God bless.