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  1. D. and T. Lee
    24 May 2013 @ 8:45 am

    We have heard this moving hymn reviled by some 5-point Calvinists, because they say it emasculates the Lord Jesus Christ in having Him plead with people (even the “non-elect”!) to come to Him. We do not agree at all; but see the mercy of our loving Saviour who is not willing that any should perish, but would have all men repent and be saved. How grateful we are for a Saviour who is long-suffering toward sinners–even us! Such hymns help us to soberly reflect on the goodness of God to ourselves, and provoke us to pray and work diligently that others may know Him too…before Christ returns or they face their Maker in death.


    • rcottrill
      24 May 2013 @ 8:56 am

      My oh my! So many passages of Scripture support the idea of a gracious calling of the Lord, that it seems to me impossible to deny (Isa. 1:18; Matt. 11:28; 23:37; cf. Rev. 22:17, etc.). Sometimes we can get so hung up on fitting everything into a man-made formula that we miss the truth that’s right in front of us! Thanks for your good note, and I do agree with you.


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