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  1. Karen Campbell
    28 January 2019 @ 12:12 am

    Does anyone know the song that begins like this: “O Master Jesus, love’s sweet King; lives in my heart, to thee I sing”?


    • rcottrill
      28 January 2019 @ 9:15 am

      H-m-m… Doesn’t ring a bell. And it doesn’t seem to be on either the Cyber Hymnal or


      • Karen P Campbell
        28 January 2019 @ 9:26 am

        Thank you. I am trying to transcribe the words from an old and very poor recording (1958). It would be much easier if I could find the words to the song. If you know of any other resources for hymns, I would be grateful to know what they are so I can continue my search.


        • rcottrill
          28 January 2019 @ 10:19 am

          Well, here are the words, with the help of my friend Dick Adams, who created the Cyber Hymnal.

          Jesus’ Victorious Crown

          O Master Jesus, Love’s sweet King—
          Within my heart to thee I sing!
          The Mighty I AM Presence fair
          Proclaims Love’s victory everywhere.
          The crown of thorns which once thou wore
          Remove from mankind evermore.

          The thorn is but thy love aborted
          To take a shape and form distorted.
          The rose’s fairer face we see
          As God intended life to be.
          His love now blazes round thy head
          To trace in outline symbol fair
          Not thorn, but crowning rose instead.

          Love itself transmutes all woe—
          Changes come and changes go—
          But none can mar the plan divine
          Nor take from me God’s gift sublime.
          I AM the victor now with thee,
          I feel the spur of Life in me
          And know that raised I, too, shall be,
          By God’s own hand thy Face to see.

          I AM thy child as are all men—
          O come thou, Lord, to earth again!
          That all breathe reverence in thy name
          To feel the balm that frees from pain.
          The thorns of life all broken then,
          Our life moves upward to the sun—
          Where coronation rays we wear:*
          We hear thy voice now say—“Well done!”


          • Karen P Campbell
            28 January 2019 @ 10:52 am

            Thank you so much! You have no idea how helpful this is. My fellow church members will enjoy this song–it is so precious! May God bless you for your work in this area!

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