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  1. meowkopolo
    20 July 2019 @ 7:33 pm

    Dear Sir,
    I am glad to find this site, as I play hymn arrangements by Rudy Atwood and Harold De Cou, for concerts. I love knowing what all the lyrics are, and the history of the hymn, and learning what scenario was going on in the writer’s mind when these hymns were written. Now I know more of that to say, the message of each song before I play it on the piano at concerts.
    I found out, though, that some of the piano hymn arrangements are Not on the hymn list or hymn index. If I name all of the hymns I play at these concerts, do you send me back all of this information? I am new on your site, so I don’t know how it works.
    Thanks, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely Yours, Mary Sires


    • rcottrill
      21 July 2019 @ 7:13 am

      Thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad you find the site useful in ministry. As to finding you information on songs not yet covered on Wordwise Hymns, I occasionally have been able to help with that, but it’s not really the purpose of the site.

      My main goal is to reacquaint readers with the traditional hymns and gospel songs of the church–ones that have been found in hymn books over the past 50 years or so. Naming “all of the hymns”…and giving you back “all of this information” is not what I’m doing. Most often the songs I’ve missed writing about are either more obscure or are newer. These are usually difficult to find information on. Anyway, God bless you as you serve the Lord.


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