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  1. Doris Tamblyn
    25 July 2014 @ 10:38 am

    I really loved to sing this song for many years until it began to stick in my throat when I came to the “If”. I changed it to “since” because it dawned on me that He promised not to leave or forsake me and I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit so there is no”if” about it.

    • rcottrill
      25 July 2014 @ 2:55 pm

      Interesting comment. And I agree…to a point. I too am confident that the Lord is with me, just as He promised (Matt. 28:20). No “if” or maybe about it. However, I don’t think I’d personally change the wording of the song, and here’s why. I’m pretty sure Austin Miles was using the word “if” in a kind of rhetorical way. He wasn’t expressing doubt, but rather insisting that the only condition on which he’d venture on his pilgrim way would be if the Lord went with him.

      Paul uses the word “if” in First Corinthians, when he is arguing that, “If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” (I Cor. 15:17), yet we know he didn’t doubt the resurrection of Christ. Just the opposite (vs. 20).

      Given some other songs by the same author, I’m sure he had no question about the presence of the living Christ in his life. Both A New Name in Glory, and his little chorus Wide, Wide as the Ocean, express the certainties of the Christian faith.

      Nevertheless, good comment. And I join with you in testifying to the unfailing presence of the Lord. God bless.