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  1. Gerald Lastrapes
    22 July 2009 @ 3:13 pm

    Mr. Robert, thank you for this background on a favorite hymn of my wife and I. We actually had a friend of my sister sing this hymn in our wedding. I really enjoy the work you are doing on these hymns and hope to one day see it published! Even though I am “young” (34) I love hymns. Thanks again!

    • rcottrill
      22 July 2009 @ 3:38 pm

      Ah, there is hope for the younger generation yet! Thanks for the encouragement. I have been studying and writing about hymns for 40, sometimes feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness. But the blog has attracted many readers who see the value in this great heritage. Thanks again.

  2. Faith
    2 July 2010 @ 10:32 am

    Be Thou My Vision has been one of my favourite hymns for years! Thanks for the history! 🙂

    • rcottrill
      2 July 2010 @ 11:09 am

      Your welcome. Any time!