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  1. George Andres
    19 September 2009 @ 1:16 pm

    I concur fully with this article. It grieves me when I hear the stuff that is passed off as ‘Christian’ music. I regularly read your column and appreciate the work you’ve put into it’s development.

    • rcottrill
      19 September 2009 @ 2:50 pm

      Thank you. An encouraging response from all over the world suggests there are many who think likewise.

  2. Kate
    22 September 2009 @ 10:42 pm

    Just found your site…wow, it’s very impressive. I can see I will be checking back regularly to see what is here (too much for one sitting right now).

    Thanks for blogging!

    • rcottrill
      23 September 2009 @ 6:14 am

      Thanks for the encouragement. I hear from many others who check in regularly. Over the course of a year, I expect I’ll cover something like 700 to 800 hymns. That’s a pretty good-sized hymn book!